Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
(DNS Rehabilitation)
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) is a therapeutic rehabilitation approach that can be used to treat infants, children and adults. DNS focuses on the restoration and optimization of the body's movement patterns by utilizing the principles of developmental kinesiology (how a healthy baby develops naturally).
DNS is rooted in the understanding that human movement and stability are fundamentally influenced by the central nervous system's development and the establishment of proper movement patterns during early childhood. It is developed by The “Prague School” of Rehabilitation and Manual Medicine by Neurologists, Physiatrists and Physiotherapists through their extensive clinical observations and experience.
The primary goal of DNS is to restore and enhance the functional capacity of the musculoskeletal system by reactivating the innate movement patterns that were established during infancy. These movement patterns serve as the foundation for optimal movement efficiency, coordination, and stability. DNS seeks to tap into the body's inherent ability to move with proper alignment, control, and motor sequencing.
The DNS approach involves a thorough assessment of the patient's movement patterns, posture, and stability. Through a combination of manual therapy techniques, specific exercises, and corrective movements, DNS aims to activate the deep stabilizing muscles, which are crucial for optimal movement control. These deep muscles include the diaphragm, pelvic floor, deep spinal stabilizers, and other intrinsic muscles.

DNS emphasizes the use of developmental positions and movements that mimic the motor milestones achieved during early childhood, such as rolling, crawling, kneeling, and standing. By practicing these functional movement patterns, individuals can retrain their central nervous system to restore and optimize their movement control, stability, and coordination.
Research on DNS is ongoing, and several studies have highlighted its effectiveness in various populations, including athletes, individuals with musculoskeletal injuries, and those with chronic pain conditions. These studies have shown improvements in pain reduction, postural control, movement efficiency, and athletic performance.
DNS is a comprehensive approach that aims to address the root causes of movement dysfunction and optimize neuromuscular function. By focusing on the restoration of innate movement patterns and core stability, DNS provides a framework for improving movement quality, reducing pain, and enhancing overall physical performance.
In newborn, babies and children, DNS can help with delays in gross or fine motor milestones, asymmetry of body or asymmetry of movement, weakness, scoliosis, flat head syndrome, torticollis (head persistently turned to one side), coordination issues, instability issues - and much more.
Examples of Asymmetry:
- Baby's head is rotated to one side (Torticollis)
- Baby only looking or grasping to one side
- Baby has a flat spot on the back of head / Plagiocephaly/ Flat Head Syndrome
- Baby's or child's spine is not straight
- Baby bum shuffles instead of crawling
- Baby can only turn around towards one side
- Child with one leg that rotates in or out
Examples of Milestone Delays (age dependent):
- Baby with weak neck muscles
- Baby not lifting/kicking legs
- Baby not rolling
- Baby not crawling
- Baby not sitting up
- Baby / child not walking
- Child not jumping

Baby Torticollis
(head turned to side and rotated)
DNS is typically performed by healthcare professionals who have received specialized training in this approach, such as a Chiropractor, Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist and other healthcare professionals. The DNS practitioner assesses and guides the individual through the prescribed exercises and movements based on the child's specific needs and limitations.
If you're interested in DNS or considering it as a treatment option for yourself or your family members, it's recommended to consult with our Chiropractor Cathrine who is continuously training in the DNS rehabilitation approach and has completed over 80 hours of mainly paediatrics specific training in the technique.
We devote our time learning, so that we can provide safe and high quality care for you and your family!